Tuesday, May 8, 2012

The poet in the dream

That’s how the poet appears
in the collective dream
like a giant walking over the earth
whose colour is all colours
whose voice is all voices
walking over deserts, mountains and seas
well-travelled roads
jagged skylines of cities dark against the sun
wrapped in a dry and humid blanket
that is the sum of all climates
followed in his footsteps by hordes
whose rumours reach the heights of his head
made up of cold-blooded beings that slither
or ambulate on many paws
minuscule, moving their seudopodia
or four motley-haired paws
speaking in diverse growls or maybe in songs
That’s how the giant poet appeared in this dream
watching over the sleeping roof top
over the earth
sowing birds

Translated by Jorge Etcheverry and edited by Nika Alia Khan and Sharon Khan